For your convenience, it's preferable to pay online with a bank card or electronic money. All payments are made without any additional fees. When paying online, your card details are transmitted via the secure SSL 3.0 protocol in an encrypted form.
When choosing payment method via MBank, Umai, BakAi, payment from the wallet is made without commission. However, when topping up the wallet through a terminal or other method, a commission may be deducted by the payment system, the amount of which depends on the top-up method.
When paying through terminals, select from the list of service providers in the menu, enter the order number and make a payment for the required amount. The funds will be credited to your account in your personal cabinet within 10 minutes after payment.
The funds from the card will only be withdrawn when purchasing the ticket. In case of ticket refusal, the refund is made to the account in the personal cabinet from which the payment was made.