Tashkent is the oldest and most populous city in Central Asia, and the capital of Uzbekistan. It is known that the city existed as early as the 3rd-2nd centuries BC, but unfortunately, a devastating earthquake in 1966 destroyed many architectural landmarks.
In Tashkent, over 2200 years, there have been numerous rulers from different ethnic groups and cultural traditions: Arab and Mongol tribes ruled here until the 19th century when the territory was conquered by the Russian Empire. For many years, Tashkent, or the Stone City, was under the influence of the Timurid dynasty.
During the Soviet era, the industrial sector significantly developed here: textiles made from local cotton and silk have been well-known for many years in many countries and bring substantial income to the treasury of Uzbekistan. In addition to this, the city is home to several large engineering plants, as well as well-developed chemical, petrochemical, and food industries.
In Tashkent, there are 3 airports, which indicates a well-developed aviation sector in the city. And, of course, the trade is the oldest and most economically important direction: unique Eastern bazaars with bustling trade have been an integral part of local life for centuries.
The traditional crafts of many ethnic groups living here are part of Tashkent's cultural heritage, and skilled craftsmen in ceramics, metalwork, pottery, carpets, and other everyday objects have long been renowned throughout Asia. Tashkent is home to the largest Museum of Folk Crafts in the region, which houses over 5000 exhibits from various historical epochs.
In addition to a variety of museums, Tashkent is home to numerous architectural landmarks: mosques and minarets are examples of architectural art from past years, while palaces of local nobility impress with their wealth and grandeur.
The metro of Tashkent is one of the most modern, and its interior decoration is worth taking a closer look and capturing it in photographs as a keepsake.
During your trip to Tashkent, you will definitely not get bored: there are so many attractions, museums, mausoleums of rulers, palaces, parks, and squares here that the kaleidoscope of impressions will stay with you forever.
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